Sonntag, 29. November 2015

What Is Your Truth?

20:20 and 22:30

How do you express your truth without feeling you get your head chopped off? How do you speak your truth with your heart?
How do you speak your truth that allows healing to happen?
How do you express your truth?
Do you give yourself permission to express your truth? So you can begin the conversation with the intention of healing...

It takes an incredible amount of vulnerability, faith and courage to declare your truth...

For gods sake... you have the right to express yourself. Do it in a safe way, but do it in an honest way where your needs and your emotional experiences get to be heard... get to be expressed.
There is a profound amount of healing thats going around...

You know why people are afraid to love? Cause they`ve been hurt... Point one person on this planet that hasn`t been hurt... because of love...
Get rid of that excuse. We've all been hurt and we've all been wounded through love...

Express yourself, express your love! If you feel love for another person, whether they wanna be with you or not, wheter they reflect that love back to you or not, that's on them...
If you feel love, express it!
Even if the other person can't receive it, even if the other person is blocked and doesn't wanna reflect it back on you, that's on them. 
If you feel love, express it, feel it! That's you! That love comes from you! Share that with the world! Express that out in a way that liberates you. If the other person can't receive it or reflect it, that's ok. That has nothing to do with you. That has to do with them.
They're not ready, maybe they have walls around their hearts because they've been hurt before and they're using that as an excuse. It's a freakin excuse...
We've all been hurt. We're all here to express love!!!

So as an individual... are you gonna express that love or are you gonna block your heart? When we block our hearts we go into logic, rationality, justifications and that's a heartless place to live!

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